The Body
Tattoos are an ever-increasing medium of body modification and are becoming more commonplace in our society.
This project aimed to explore personal identity through body modification and how people relate to their bodies through the modifications indelibly inked on their skin. The effect of body modification on society is a long-running debate, with much stigma attached to those with tattoos, piercings, and other forms of body modification.
I used this debate to uncover falsities and little-known truths about tattoos and those who choose to get them. Our society is more accepting than ever before, and people are embracing the newfound freedom with open arms.
As a tattoo owner, I am interested in the history of tattoos and tattooing and where these stigmas and stereotypes originated.
Tattoos have been a source of shame and fear for many throughout generations.
My work aimed to address this issue while exploring the reasoning behind many of society's misconceptions about tattoos and those who choose to get them. This delicate matter seems to be one of the last standing posts between our society and a fully accepting and inclusive world
The humble tattoo has a lot to answer for, but it has a rich historical story to tell along the way. The body has been used as a living canvas by many artists, and this acceptance of tattoos and body modification breathes a new life into the fine arts and the way the human form is depicted and showcased.